Transformative Union
Zero art experience is necessary.

Mandala Assessment Research Instrument
Art can be both calming and restorative. In addition, there is healing power in self-expression and the creative process.
Using MANDALAS and the MARI archetypal symbols and color cards, a wider angle view of where you are ~ emotionally and spiritually ~ is shown and insight arises. Important aspects of your life are reflected back in deep and meaningful ways.
Further information about MARI is located HERE.
We will have an up to 1/2 hour phone or video communication about the creation of your mandala. At that time, we will set up an appointment, and I will answer any questions or provide any additional information you might have.
After our communication, you will create your mandala and bring it to the session or provide a good photo. The mandala is a spontaneous free-form drawing inside of a circle. It will not be as intricate as a Buddhist sand mandala but more abstract.
The session is 2 hours and must be scheduled within 1-3 days of the mandala creation. There we will uncover the messages you have given yourself in your drawing.
This is a fun, accurate, and creative way to get messages from deep within yourself. I am only the conduit to bring those archetypal messages to you for your ultimate interpretation.
Two hours total for $100.

Energy Art
One-on-One orWorkshops

Receive deeper messages from within to empower
and move through life in a more connected way.
Pastel drawing using your heart, intuition, and the right side of your brain -- your creative link to the Infinite. While in a relaxed or meditative state, it's easy to reveal hidden messages inside that want to be known.
You will do the drawing, without really thinking, and then tell me what each of the shapes, and colors mean. We do a little coaching around your creative work of art. Then, you can use this to communicate with your higher being -- reconnect with the best part of your inner child -- and truly create from your heart.

Online Intuitive Transpersonal Health Coach - Physical-Mental-Emotional- Spiritual and Relational;
Hypnotherapy; Art & Energy Therapy; Sunrider Products
© 2013 - 2024 by Transformative Union - Nancy Anderson -- All Rights Reserved